So I think I've perfected my burp cloths. After having a child you learn what works and what doesn't and while I love fabric embellishments on burp cloths, putting a panel on the length of the entire cloth was too much. It seemed to not be soft enough for baby's face or just got in the way of wiping. So here is my solution, embellishment only on one end, you can then hang it over your shoulder (cute side out) while having a soft surface for your little one, win win!
And here is what they look like.
This one is my favorite!
Fun boy colors.
This one has ribbon on the full length, but because they're so skinny I don't think it will be a problem like a full fabric panel would be. Plus, I LOVE this green giraffe print!!
I am trying to be self-prophetic and praying the 'Happy Baby' slogan comes true :)
If you want to see what the first round of burp cloths looked like, click
The Nanny That Knits