There's more to this world than knitting, although when pressed I won't admit to it.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Table Runner

There are 3 reasons I like making my own things for decoration.

1. I enjoy making things (I'm weird, I know).

2. I usually have more than 1/2 of what I need to make it already (ex. yarn, thread, buttons, a solid colored fabric for accent). Which is turn makes decorating very inexpensive. All I need is some new & trendy color something and voila.

3. You get to make exactly what you want. I can see something in a store somewhere, wish there were 1-3 things different about it, and go home and make it with those 1-3 changes. 

And the table runner I finished making today encompasses all of my reasons that I like making decorations. Here is the finished product.

And here with table necessities.

Now all I need to do is finish making the wall hanging that will go over the table & the dining room is decorated for now.... we'll see how long that takes me :)

The Nanny That Knits (and apparently also sews)

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